Against ALL Odds!

It's never too late...where there is revenue there is a way.

Represented a major regional producer and wholesaler of seafood.  We prevented a foreclosure of the company's operating facility in the face of highly aggressive action by the company's senior lender.  Ultimately the lender took a substantial discount and we further reduced the unsecured debt of the company.  This allowed the company to then attract an investor who joined the ownership and management team and led the company into a sustained period of profitability.

Be Courageous, not Embarrassed.

Even the best companies fail at times, and in small business, most of the failures are due to issues out of the control of ownership and the management team. There are strategies to utilize to recover from these failures and the best remedies are outside the court system. These remedies are tough, but fairly simple and allow business owners to focus on what they know.

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